The Ukraine national under-20 football team is primarily a special team that is formed for the FIFA U-20 World Cup after a successful performance of the Ukraine national under-19 football team. The team is also used as an immediate reserve of the Ukraine national under-21 football team. In the 2019 FIFA U-20 World Cup Ukraine won their first title in the nation's history after defeating South Korea 3-1 in the final. They remained champions for almost 4 years, being that the 2021 edition was cancelled due to COVID-19 until they failed to qualify for the 2023 edition in which Uruguay won and became champions.

It is formed by its head coach who is appointed and directed by the Ukrainian Association of Football, the governing body for football in Ukraine.

烏克蘭 20 歲以下足球隊代表烏克蘭參加 20 歲以下國際足球賽事,由烏克蘭足球總會管理。該隊曾五次奪得世界青年足球錦標賽冠軍,是該賽事奪冠次數最多的球隊。烏克蘭 20 歲以下足球隊也曾兩次奪得歐洲 U-19 足球錦標賽冠軍。該隊的球員主要來自烏克蘭各地的職業足球俱樂部,並由烏克蘭足球總會選拔組成。烏克蘭 20 歲以下足球隊的目標是培養出優秀的足球運動員,並為烏克蘭國家足球隊輸送人才。