Killester Basketball Club is an Irish basketball club based in Dublin. The club's senior men's and women's representative teams, Pyrobel Killester, both play in Ireland's top national leagues with their home stadium being IWA Sports Hall in Clontarf.


The club was established in 1967 by Michael Casey.

In 1973, Killester was an inaugural team in the Irish National League. Between 1975 and 1977, the team won three championships in a row. Between 2001 and 2014, they won five championships and three National Cup titles.

In 1978, Killester entered the inaugural season of the women's competition. The team won the competition's first two titles. The women won two National Cup titles in 2002 and 2005.

Pyrobel 基爾斯特是一支位於北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特的職業籃球隊,目前在英國籃球聯賽(BBL)中競賽。球隊成立於1999年,並於2003年首次晉級BBL聯賽。基爾斯特隊的主場是奧德賽競技場,可容納約8,000名觀眾。



球隊的陣容中擁有許多優秀的球員,包括北愛爾蘭國手克里斯·錢德勒(Chris Chandler)和美國球員安德魯·勞森(Andrew Lawrence)。基爾斯特隊以其快速的節奏和高得分的比賽風格而聞名。

球隊的主教練是史蒂夫·芬尼(Steve Fennell),他曾多次率領球隊獲得冠軍。芬尼以其出色的戰術和激勵球員的能力而聞名。
