Wikipedia - Clachnacuddin F.C.

Clachnacuddin Football Club is a part-time, senior Scottish football club based in the city of Inverness, that currently plays in the Highland Football League.

Clachnacuddin have won the most Highland Football League championships in the competition's history: a total of 18. Their home ground is Grant Street Park in the city's Merkinch area. They also have a youth system, with many teams ranging from the primary squads to the under 19s.

The club operates a reserve team in the North Caledonian Football League, which they rejoined in 2022–23 after withdrawing at the start of the 2014–15 season.

They were founded in 1885 and are nicknamed "The Lilywhites" (due to their white strip) or "Clach". Their name is an English approximation of a Scots Gaelic name meaning "the stone of the tub", referring to a city landmark in Inverness.

As a full member of the Scottish FA, they are entitled to enter the Scottish Cup each year.

克拉什納庫丁是伯茲足球俱樂部二隊的綽號,該隊位於英格蘭的多塞特郡斯圖爾米斯特。俱樂部成立於 1969 年,官方名稱是伯茲足球俱樂部預備隊,但普遍稱為克拉什納庫丁。該綽號來源於俱樂部主場附近的克拉什納庫丁農場。

克拉什納庫丁隊參加威爾特郡足球聯賽甲組聯賽,這是英格蘭足球聯賽系統的第九級別。球隊的主場比賽在斯圖爾米斯特運動場舉行,該球場可容納 2,000 名觀眾。

克拉什納庫丁隊曾獲得多項榮譽,包括威爾特郡足球聯賽甲組聯賽冠軍(1995-96 賽季)、威爾特郡足球聯賽乙組聯賽冠軍(1989-90 賽季)和多塞特高級盃冠軍(2003-04 賽季)。

克拉什納庫丁隊也是一支出色的青年隊,曾獲得多項青年聯賽冠軍。球隊最著名的球員是傑米·瓦爾迪,他在 2015-16 賽季英格蘭足球超級聯賽中打進 24 球,幫助萊斯特城奪得聯賽冠軍。
