Anagennisi Deryneia (Greek: Αναγέννηση Δερύνειας) is Cypriot football team based in Deryneia, Famagusta. The club was founded in 1920 and they joined the Cyprus Football Association in 1972. The team played in the Cypriot First division in 2011 but was relegated at the end of the season. It has participated in the first and second divisions and Cypriot Third Division in the past. The club also maintains a volleyball team, which is currently playing in the Second Division, having lifted the Cypriot Cup trophy twice in the past.




* 約翰尼斯·奧卡斯:塞浦路斯國家隊隊長,曾效力於AC米蘭、巴黎聖日耳曼等歐洲豪門。
* 康斯坦蒂諾斯·查拉蘭比德斯:塞浦路斯國家隊隊長,曾效力於帕納辛奈科斯、沃尔夫斯堡等歐洲俱樂部。
* 迪米特里斯·迪米特里歐:塞浦路斯國家隊隊長,曾效力於奧林匹亞科斯、馬德里競技等歐洲豪門。