Wikipedia - TED Ankara Kolejliler

TED Ankara Kolejliler Spor Kulübü, more commonly known as TED Ankara Kolejliler is a professional basketball team from the city of Ankara in Turkey. Their home arena is the Ankara Arena with a capacity of 10,400 seats, which was opened in April 2010. The team currently competes in the Turkish Basketball First League (TBL), the second tier league of basketball in Turkey.


The team played in Turkish Basketball League (now called BSL) between 1966-1977, 1979-1981, 1982-1983, 1984-1985, 1990-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-2003 and 2006-2009. The team promoted the Turkish Basketball League (now called BSL) from the TB2L in May 2012.

The team made its European club competitions debut at the Cup Winners' Cup in the 1973-74 season due to winning Turkish Basketball Cup in 1972-73. In the early nineties, it reached the Korac Cup qualifying rounds three times, from 1991-92 to 1993-94. Most recently, it reached the 2014 Eurocup quarterfinals.

TED 安卡拉籃球俱樂部,全稱安卡拉土耳其教育協會體育俱樂部,是土耳其籃球俱樂部。目前在土耳其籃球聯賽中比賽。俱樂部的前身可以追溯到 1954 年成立的學生運動俱樂部。球隊的主場館是安卡拉禮堂體育館,可容納 5,000 名觀眾。球隊的吉祥物是一隻土耳其中亞牧羊犬,名叫「科斯科賈」。

TED 安卡拉籃球俱樂部在 1995 年首次獲得土耳其籃球聯賽冠軍。此後,球隊又獲得了 4 次聯賽冠軍(1996 年、1997 年、2001 年和 2002 年)。球隊還獲得了 3 次土耳其盃冠軍(1995 年、1997 年和 2000 年)。在歐洲賽場上,球隊曾打入 1996 年歐洲籃球聯賽四強。

TED 安卡拉籃球俱樂部的著名球員包括:

* 穆拉特·穆特盧:土耳其籃球傳奇巨星,曾效力於 NBA 的亞特蘭大老鷹隊和費城 76 人隊。
* 哈坎·德米爾:土耳其籃球名宿,曾效力於 NBA 的底特律活塞隊和波士頓凱爾特人隊。
* 奥斯曼·巴羅克:土耳其籃球著名球員,曾效力於 NBA 的休斯敦火箭隊和紐約尼克隊。