The Zambia Basketball League is the first tier basketball league of Zambia. The league currently consists of 10 teams. It is organised by the Zambia Basketball Association (ZBA). In the past, the league was sponsored by Sprite and was named the Sprite ZBA.

The champions of the league are able to play in the qualifying rounds of the Basketball Africa League (BAL). Matero Magic is the most successful team in league history with eleven national championships.

尼沙提丹佛籃球隊是贊比亞的職業籃球隊,成立於 2010 年。該隊是贊比亞籃球聯賽 (ZBL) 的一支球隊,也是非洲籃球聯賽 (ABL) 的一支球隊。尼沙提丹佛籃球隊的主場是位於丹佛的尼沙提體育館。球隊的吉祥物是一隻獅子,球隊的口號是「團結就是力量」。尼沙提丹佛籃球隊的球衣顏色是綠色和黃色。球隊的教練是總裁,球隊的隊長是尼克松。尼沙提丹佛籃球隊是贊比亞最成功的籃球隊之一,球隊曾多次獲得 ZBL 的冠軍和 ABL 的冠軍。