Wikipedia - Kerala Police

The Kerala Police is the law enforcement agency for the Indian state of Kerala. Kerala Police has its headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital. The motto of the force is "Mridhu Bhave Dhrida Kruthye" which means "Soft in Temperament, Firm in Action" in Sanskrit. It operates under the Department of Home Affairs, Government of Kerala. The force is headed by the State Police Chief, and the incumbent chief is Shaikh Darvesh Sahib, IPS.

Kerala Police has a reputation for being one of the best-managed state police forces in the nation, and the state ranks among the top states for maintaining law and order. One of the first police forces in South Asia to put community policing into practise is Kerala Police, which was one of the first to do so through legislation. The term "Janamaithri" Policing, which means "people-friendly Policing," is used to refer to it.

According to the data from Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD), there are a total of 564 police stations in Kerala. Among them, 484 police stations deal with local law enforcement, while the remaining 80 are specialised for specific purposes. Out of these, 382 police stations are located in rural areas, while 102 police stations are located in urban areas.

The rural police stations account for the majority of police stations in Kerala, comprising approximately 68% of the total. The urban police stations account for about 18% of the total, while the special purpose police stations account for about 14% of the total.


Prior to independence, the Kerala Police was governed by different administrations.

Kerala Police traces its roots to the erstwhile Travancore State Police, which was established in 1936. After the integration of the princely states of Travancore and Cochin, the present-day Kerala Police was formed in 1956. The first Chief of Kerala Police was Shri. N.Chandrasekharan Nair IPS.

喀拉拉邦警察足球俱樂部傳統上被稱為喀拉拉邦警察隊,是一家位於印度喀拉拉邦的足球俱樂部,是該邦最古老、最著名的足球俱樂部之一。俱樂部成立於 1957 年,代表喀拉拉邦警察部門參加各項聯賽和錦標賽,並多次在頂級聯賽中展現了精彩的表現。喀拉拉邦警察隊以其攻防兼備、注重團隊合作的打法而聞名,並培養出許多優秀的球員,其中一些球員甚至代表印度國家隊參加過國際比賽。

在印度的足球聯賽系統中,喀拉拉邦警察隊曾參加過印度足球甲級聯賽和印度足球乙級聯賽。球隊在 1983 年奪得印度足球乙級聯賽冠軍,並在 1984 年升入印度足球甲級聯賽。球隊在甲級聯賽中征戰了幾個賽季,取得了令人印象深刻的成績,並在 2008 年奪得亞軍。在頂級聯賽期間,喀拉拉邦警察隊展現出良好的競爭力,並與其他強隊進行過激烈的爭奪。

儘管在過去幾年中,喀拉拉邦警察隊沒有參加過頂級聯賽,但他們仍然是印度足球中一支不可忽視的力量。球隊在印度足球乙級聯賽中表現出色,並在 2015 年和 2019 年兩次奪得冠軍。此外,球隊還在印度足球錦標賽中取得過優異的成績,並在 2015 年和 2019 年兩次奪得亞軍。

喀拉拉邦警察隊不僅在球場上取得了成功,也為印度足球的發展做出了巨大貢獻。球隊培養出許多優秀的球員,其中包括前印度國腳 P. K. Banerjee、I. M. Vijayan 和 C. K. Vineeth 等。這些球員在國際賽場上代表印度隊參加過許多重要比賽,並取得了令人驕傲的成績。
