Octavio Espinosa de Ica

Octavio Espinosa de Ica

Leagues Played
秘魯盃 3
秘魯盃 11/03 17:00 - Credicoop San Cristobal v Octavio Espinosa de Ica L 4-0
秘魯盃 10/27 20:30 - Octavio Espinosa de Ica v Credicoop San Cristobal D 1-1
秘魯盃 11/12 18:00 - EM Deportivo Binacional v Octavio Espinosa de Ica L 3-1

Club Social Deportivo Octavio Espinosa is a Peruvian football club, playing in the city of Ica, Peru.

The club were founded 1923 and play in the Copa Perú which is the third division of the Peruvian league.


In the 1967 Copa Perú, the club classified to the Final Stage, but was eliminated by Alfonso Ugarte de Chiclín.

The club have played at the highest level of Peruvian football on thirteen occasions, from 1966 Torneo Descentralizado until 1971 Torneo Descentralizado, and from 1984 Torneo Descentralizado until 1991 Torneo Descentralizado when was relegated.

Name and spelling

Octavio Espinosa Gonzales was a pioneer aviator and journalist born in Lima in 1882, who was devoted to civil aviation. In 1920, he was the victim of a tragic accident with American airplane pilot Walter Pack in which he hit the hacienda Oquendo. Oral tradition has it that Espinosa landed in Ica on one of his flights; however, the experienced and highly regarded journalist Jose Ica Lujan, who thoroughly reviewed the archives of the newspaper La Voz de Ica, noted that there was no journalistic record of such an event, which by its nature would have been recorded in the city at the time. Whatever occurred, the residents of the street Paita apparently took that reference to christen the team.

Although there are occasional spelling mistakes in the name of the club, sometimes written as "Octavio Espinoza" (with "z"), the origin of the name, described above, removes any doubt about the correct spelling. The club is called "Octavio Espinosa" (with "s"). Because of the existence of both surnames with variant spellings, sometimes it was erroneously written with "z". However, the newspaper La Voz de Ica received in the seventies a letter from Don Octavio Espinosa Sanchez, son of Don Octavio Espinosa Gonzales, requesting a clarification because his surname was spelled with an "s" and surmised the founders' intention had been to name the club after his father and that there had been a corruption of the name of the club in the oral tradition. Therefore, La Voz de Ica, the oldest newspaper of Ica, and DeChalaca.com, spell the name of the club as "Octavio Espinosa," even though in some official documents erroneously placed with "z".

奧克塔維奧·埃斯皮諾薩體育俱樂部(Club Deportivo Octavio Espinosa,簡稱CD Octavio Espinosa),通常被稱為奧克塔維奧·埃斯皮諾薩(Octavio Espinosa),是一家位於秘魯伊卡的足球俱樂部。這家俱樂部成立於 1928 年 12 月 7 日,以伊卡足球俱樂部(Club Atlético Ica)的名義成立,並於 1971 年更名為奧克塔維奧·埃斯皮諾薩體育俱樂部。他們目前參加秘魯足球甲級聯賽,並在2023年晉級。

他們的主場是 Jose Picasso Peratta 體育場,可容納 6,000 人。他們的球衣顏色是白色和綠色。

奧克塔維奧·埃斯皮諾薩最著名的成就是1981 年贏得秘魯足球乙級聯賽冠軍。他們還曾兩次獲得秘魯足球乙級聯賽亞軍,分別是在 1980 年和 2003 年。

在國際比賽中,奧克塔維奧·埃斯皮諾薩曾參加 1982 年南美解放者杯。他們在第一輪即遭淘汰,負於厄瓜多爾的巴塞羅那俱樂部。


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