直布羅陀公開賽 2021

DateR主隊 v 客隊-
03/04 14:00 8 列基•禾頓 v 斯佳輝 4-3
03/04 11:45 8 侯賽因•瓦菲 v 艾倫•泰勒 4-1
03/04 11:30 8 凱倫•威爾遜 v 範爭一 4-0
03/04 11:30 8 大衛•利利 v 米切爾•曼 3-4
03/04 11:30 8 周躍龍 v 亞歷山大•烏爾森巴赫 1-4
03/04 09:00 7 布蘭登•薩金特 v 亞倫•希爾 1-4
03/04 09:00 7 朱利安•博伊科 v 弗蓋裏•奧布萊恩 4-3
03/04 09:00 7 馬克•金 v 盧卡•布雷切爾 1-4
03/04 09:00 7 馬克•艾倫 v 傑米•柯蒂斯•巴雷特 4-0
03/03 20:25 7 奧利弗•萊恩斯 v Riley Parsons 4-1
03/03 19:30 7 迪倫•埃默裏 v 本•漢克恩 4-0
03/03 19:30 7 西蒙•利希滕貝格 v Lu Ning 3-4
03/03 19:00 - 奧利弗•萊恩斯 v Riley Parsons View
03/03 19:00 7 格雷米•多特 v 本•漢克恩 Cancelled
03/03 19:00 7 羅尼•奧沙利文 v 阿里•卡特 Cancelled
03/03 19:00 7 尼爾•羅伯森 v Lei Peifan 2-4
03/03 18:15 7 海頓•平海 v Sunny Akani 1-4
03/03 18:00 7 Hamim Hussain v Jamie Wilson 0-4
03/03 17:05 7 塔猜亞•烏諾 v Sean Maddocks 4-0
03/03 16:30 - 海頓•平海 v Sunny Akani View
03/03 16:30 - Hamim Hussain v Jamie Wilson View
03/03 16:30 7 比利•喬•卡斯特爾 v 本•沃拉斯頓 3-4
03/03 16:30 7 Amine Amiri v Sunny Akani Cancelled
03/03 15:50 7 Lee Walker v 傑米•奧尼爾 2-4
03/03 14:45 7 龐俊旭 v 伊戈爾•菲格雷多 4-3
03/03 14:35 7 約翰•阿斯特利 v 阿里•卡特 2-4
03/03 14:00 - Lee Walker v 傑米•奧尼爾 View
03/03 14:00 7 安東尼•麥吉爾 v 路易斯•希思柯特 4-0
03/03 14:00 7 約翰•希金斯 v Jamie Wilson Cancelled
03/03 13:00 7 卡斯帕∙菲利皮亞克 v 阿兰•麥曼努斯 0-4

Wikipedia - 2021 Gibraltar Open

The 2021 Gibraltar Open (officially the 2021 BetVictor Gibraltar Open) was a professional snooker tournament that took place from 1 to 7 March 2021 at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, England. It was the twelfth ranking event of the 2020–21 snooker season, and the sixth and final event in the BetVictor European Series.

The event was the sixth instalment of the Gibraltar Open tournament, first held in 2015. It was organised by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association and sponsored by BetVictor. The defending champion was Judd Trump, who defeated Kyren Wilson 4–3 in the 2020 final. Trump retained his title, defeating Jack Lisowski 4–0 in the final and losing just three of the 31 frames he played in the tournament overall. It was Trump's fifth ranking title of the season and the 22nd of his professional career. In addition to the winner's prize of £50,000, Trump secured the £150,000 European Series bonus, awarded to the player who wins the most prize money across the series, for a second consecutive season.

The event featured the return to the professional tour of seven-time world champion Stephen Hendry, who retired in 2012, but accepted a two-year invitational tour card to begin in the 2020–21 season. Matthew Selt beat Hendry 4–1 in the first round of the tournament.

直布羅陀公開賽 2021是一個傳統桌球比賽,專為斯努克球愛好者而設。該比賽將於2021年在直布羅陀舉行,吸引了來自世界各地的頂尖球手參賽。


直布羅陀公開賽 2021提供了一個絕佳的機會,讓球迷們欣賞到高水準的斯努克比賽。觀眾們可以近距離觀看球手們的技巧和精湛的球技,並感受到比賽的緊張氛圍。


直布羅陀公開賽 2021將為觀眾們帶來一場精彩紛呈的斯努克盛宴。無論是對於球迷還是球手來說,這都是一個不容錯過的重要賽事,將為斯努克愛好者們帶來難忘的回憶。