世界元老飛鏢錦標賽 2023


The 2023 World Seniors Darts Championship (known for sponsorship reasons as the 2023 JENNINGSbet World Seniors Darts Championship) was the second World Seniors Darts Championship organised by the World Seniors Darts Tour. It took place at the Circus Tavern in Purfleet between 9 and 12 February 2023. The event was open to players over the age of 50, except current PDC Tour Card holders. The tournament was expanded from 24 to 32 players.

Robert Thornton, the defending champion after winning the inaugural tournament in 2022, successfully defended his title by beating Richie Howson 5–2 in the final.

「世界元老飛鏢錦標賽 2023」是一場國際性的飛鏢比賽,將於2023年舉行。這項比賽專為年長的飛鏢愛好者而設,旨在提供一個交流、競技和娛樂的平台。



除了比賽本身,「世界元老飛鏢錦標賽 2023」還將舉辦一系列的活動和娛樂節目,為觀眾和參賽者提供全方位的娛樂體驗。這些活動可能包括飛鏢展覽、技巧表演、簽名會和飛鏢用品展示等,讓參與者和觀眾能夠更深入地了解飛鏢運動。

「世界元老飛鏢錦標賽 2023」將成為一個難忘的盛事,不僅為飛鏢愛好者提供了一個展示自己技能的舞台,也為觀眾帶來了一場精彩刺激的比賽。無論是參賽者還是觀眾,都將在這場比賽中獲得難忘的回憶和豐富的體驗。