英國公開賽 2022


Wikipedia - 2022 UK Open

The 2022 Cazoo UK Open was a darts tournament staged by the Professional Darts Corporation. It was the twentieth year of the tournament where players compete in a single elimination tournament to be crowned champion. The tournament returned to Butlin's Minehead, England, between 4–6 March 2022, having been held behind closed doors at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes in 2021 owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

James Wade was the defending champion after defeating Luke Humphries 11–5 in the 2021 final, but he lost 10–4 to Keane Barry in the quarter-finals.

Danny Noppert won his first PDC major tournament, beating Michael Smith 11–10 in the final after Smith had a dart for the title. Noppert's average of 84.82 was the lowest winning average in a straight start format in a PDC major, and the second-lowest winning average overall ahead of Alan Warriner-Little's 83.25 in the 2001 World Grand Prix.

The tournament saw three nine-dart finishes. José Justicia hit the first in his third round game against Adam Gawlas. Defending champion James Wade also hit one during his sixth round game against Boris Krčmar. Michael Smith hit another in his own sixth round game against Mensur Suljović.

英國公開賽 2022是一個備受矚目的飛鏢比賽,將在英國舉行。這場比賽吸引了來自世界各地的頂尖飛鏢選手,他們將在這個舞台上展示他們的技巧和競爭力。


英國公開賽 2022將包括多個不同的比賽類別,包括單人賽和雙人賽等。選手們將通過精湛的技巧和戰術來爭奪冠軍寶座,並展現他們在飛鏢領域的領先地位。


無論您是飛鏢愛好者還是對這項運動感興趣的人,英國公開賽 2022都是一個不容錯過的盛事。這將是一個令人難以忘懷的體驗,讓您感受到飛鏢的魅力和激情。