蒙古全國聯賽 女子


The Women's National Football League (Mongolian: Эмэгтэйчүүдийн Үндэсний Лиг) is the top-flight women's football league in Mongolia.


In an effort to organize a women's national team for Mongolia, the Mongolian Football Federation (MFF) signed a memorandum of agreement with their Japanese counterparts. To encourage participation of Mongolian women in football, the MFF organized the first edition of the Women's National Football League tournament in July 2015.

The first season which ran from 21 to 29 July 2015 was contested by eight teams. Khad FC was the winner of the inaugural edition which won over all the other seven teams in the competition. The club scored 22 goals and conceded two goals during the whole season. Mongoliin Temuulel FC won the silver medal.

Arvis F.C. were the winners of the second season which was held in 2016. They won again in the third edition which was contested by nine clubs around mid-2017. Deren FC and Mongolian Temuulen were the second and third placers respectively.

In 2020, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) provided $500,000 USD to the team to help grow its leagues.

蒙古全國聯賽 女子是一個在蒙古舉辦的女子足球錦標賽。這個錦標賽是蒙古國內最高級別的女子足球賽事,吸引了來自全國各地的球隊參賽。這個比賽提供了一個平台,讓蒙古國內的女子足球運動員展示他們的技術和才華。

蒙古全國聯賽 女子的比賽通常在一個固定的時間段內進行,並且由多個階段組成,包括小組賽和淘汰賽。參賽球隊將在比賽中展示他們的技巧、戰術和團隊合作能力,爭取獲得冠軍的榮譽。


蒙古全國聯賽 女子的比賽場地通常是一些現代化的足球場,提供了良好的比賽條件和觀賞環境。觀眾可以在比賽中感受到激烈的競爭和精彩的比賽,同時也能夠欣賞到球員們的技術和運動才華。

總之,蒙古全國聯賽 女子是一個重要的女子足球賽事,它不僅提供了一個競技平台,也促進了女子足球在蒙古國的發展和普及。這個比賽將繼續吸引更多的球隊和觀眾參與,為蒙古國的女子足球事業注入新的活力。