Wikipedia - Kansai Plascon FC

Kansai Plascon FC (formerly known as Sadolin Paints FC) are a Ugandan football club from Bugembe, Uganda. They were relegated from the Uganda Premier League in the 2016–17 season and currently play in the FUFA Big League.

They were promoted from the FUFA Big League in 2013-14 and spent three years in the Uganda Premier League. Sadolin Paints reached the Ugandan cup semifinals in 2016–17, losing to second division side Paidha Black Angels 3–2 on aggregate.

In 2015, they were managed by Dutch coach Jacques Van der Walt, only the second foreign manager in the Uganda Premier League. He was demoted in 2015.

坎薩普拉松足球俱樂部是一支位於烏干達坎帕拉的足球俱樂部,目前在烏干達足球超級聯賽中比賽。該俱樂部成立於 1965 年,曾八次奪得烏干達超級聯賽冠軍,是該國最成功的俱樂部之一。坎薩普拉松足球俱樂部的主場是位於坎帕拉的納基沃博體育場,可容納 30,000 名觀眾。俱樂部的隊徽是一隻紅色的雄獅,象徵著力量和勇氣。俱樂部的格言是“永遠不放棄”,體現了球員永不言敗的鬥志。坎薩普拉松足球俱樂部在烏干達足球界有著悠久的歷史和輝煌的戰績,是烏干達足球的驕傲。