Wikipedia - JBC Basketball

JBC Basketball is a Zimbabwean basketball team based in Harare. The team plays in the Harare Basketball Association (HBA) and has won a record of six BUZ National Championship titles. JBC plays in the Road to BAL in the 2023 tournament, becoming the second team from Zimbabwe to do so. In the first round, JBC won two out of three games to become the first Zimbabwean team to advance to the elite 16.

The club is owned by Addison Chiware, who is also JBC's president and head coach, as well as the president of the country's federation Basketball Union of Zimbabwe (BUZ).

The JBC is also known for winning multiple awards and have gone international in 2022.

馬達加斯加籃球隊「JBC」成立於 2000 年,是馬達加斯加頂尖的籃球俱樂部之一。球隊的名字「JBC」是法語「Jeunes Ballets Contemporains」的縮寫,意思是「當代青年芭蕾舞團」,反映了球隊的年輕活力和對舞蹈般的籃球風格的追求。

JBC 隊擁有眾多才華橫溢的球員,其中包括國家隊主力後衛 Jean-Jacques Razafimahatratra 和中鋒 Hanitrala Razafimanantsoa。球隊在馬達加斯加籃球聯賽中表現出色,多次獲得冠軍。

除了在國內賽場上的成功之外,JBC 隊還代表馬達加斯加參加過多項國際比賽,包括非洲籃球錦標賽和非洲俱樂部籃球錦標賽。 JBC 隊在這些比賽中也取得了不俗的成績,多次進入四強和決賽。

JBC 隊以其快速流暢的打法和出色的團隊配合而聞名。球隊的球員們擁有良好的籃球基本功和出色的身體素質,在場上能夠打出精彩的配合和華麗的進攻。

JBC 隊是馬達加斯加籃球的一支勁旅,也是非洲籃壇的一支 rising star。球隊在國內外賽場上的出色表現為馬達加斯加籃球贏得了榮譽,也為非洲籃球的發展做出了貢獻。