The Algerian Women's Championship (Arabic: البطولة الجزائرية للسيدات) known as Elite National Championship is the top flight of women's association football in Algeria. It is the women's equivalent of the Ligue 1, but is not professional. The competition is run by the Ligue Nationale du Football Féminin under the auspices of the Algerian Football Federation.


Logo of the LFF

In the 1970s, many women's football clubs were formed in Algeria as in Tiaret in 1975 but they only took part in friendly tournaments only. Since 1990, other clubs began to appear.

The first Algerian women's championship was contested in 1998–1999 season under the regional leagues format. In the 2008–09 season, a national league of two divisions was created (D1 and D2) under the auspices of the Ligue Nationale du Football (LNF). In 2013, was created the Ligue du Football Féminin (LFF) which became the Ligue Nationale du Football Féminin (LNFF) and which is the body of the national women's championships.

The competition changed its name to Elite National Championship from the 2021–22 season.

阿爾及利亞聯賽 女子是一個在阿爾及利亞舉辦的女子足球錦標賽。這個錦標賽吸引了來自全國各地的女子足球隊參加,並為球員們提供了一個展示他們技術和競爭力的平台。


阿爾及利亞聯賽 女子不僅是一個足球比賽,也是一個推動女子足球發展的平台。這個錦標賽為年輕的女子足球選手提供了一個機會,讓她們展示自己的才華並獲得更多的關注和機會。同時,這個錦標賽也為阿爾及利亞的女子足球發展提供了一個推動力,促使更多的女子參與這項運動。

阿爾及利亞聯賽 女子是一個令人期待的足球盛事,不僅為球員們提供了一個競爭的舞台,也為觀眾帶來了精彩的比賽和激動人心的時刻。無論是球迷還是球員,這個錦標賽都是一個不容錯過的活動,將為大家帶來無盡的足球樂趣和激情。