Mitre 10盃

Mitre 10盃


Mitre 10 is a New Zealand chain of home improvement stores established in June 1974. The company sells a range of household hardware, building supplies, heaters, air conditioners, garden products, barbeques and camping gear.

There are 84 Mitre 10 member stores around New Zealand, including 19 in Auckland. Together, the members employ more than 8000 staff.


Mitre 10 was started in Melbourne, Australia in 1959 as a local co-operative, with the initial 8 independent operators pooling their resources for shared advertising and promotion. Separate state-based companies were formed in the years following. An overall licensing company was established in 1964.

The co-operative concept became known to New Zealand hardware shop owners, and on 28 June 1974 the New Zealand Herald reported "some of the smaller firms in the timber and hardware merchandising field are grouping together to present a unified buying and selling front." The first member's meeting in 1974 consisted of twelve members representing fifteen stores.[]

In the late 1980s the chain expanded its to include home and garden products. In 1994 the "Mitre 10 Home and Trade" brand was established. Two brand names (Hammer Hardware, Mitre 10 Mega) further expanded the Mitre 10 presence in both the small and large towns and cities. There were 50 Mitre 10 stores in 1999, 113 in 2003 and 83 in 2019.

In 2010 Mitre 10 (New Zealand) Limited took full ownership of the Mitre 10 brands for New Zealand after changes to the ownership of the Mitre 10 operation in Australia. Despite sharing the same heritage, the modern operations in New Zealand and Australia are separate.

Mitre 10盃是一個新西蘭橄欖球聯賽,是新西蘭最高級別的橄欖球聯賽之一。該聯賽由14支來自新西蘭各地的球隊參加,並在每年的夏季舉行。Mitre 10盃的名稱來自贊助商Mitre 10,該公司是新西蘭最大的建材和家居用品零售商之一。

Mitre 10盃的比賽形式是單循環的團體賽,每支球隊都會對陣其他球隊一次,共進行13輪比賽。在賽季結束後,排名前四的球隊將晉級季後賽,爭奪總冠軍的稱號。

Mitre 10盃的比賽水平非常高,吸引了眾多優秀的球員參與。許多國家隊的成員都曾在Mitre 10盃中打過比賽,這使得該聯賽成為球員發展和展示才華的重要平台。

Mitre 10盃的比賽場地遍布新西蘭各地,包括奧克蘭、惠靈頓、基督城等主要城市。這使得球迷們有機會在自己的城市觀看到高水平的橄欖球比賽,同時也為當地經濟和旅遊業帶來了不少收益。

Mitre 10盃不僅是一個橄欖球比賽,也是新西蘭人民的一種文化和傳統。橄欖球在新西蘭被視為國家運動,而Mitre 10盃則是展示新西蘭橄欖球實力和熱情的重要平台。無論是球迷還是球員,都對Mitre 10盃充滿熱愛和期待,並為這項運動注入了無限的熱情。