The Asian Women's Club Volleyball Championship, previously the AVC Cup Women's Club Tournament (between 1999 and 2002), is an annual continental club volleyball competition organised by the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC), the sport's continental governing body. The competition was first contested in 1999 in Thailand. It was not held in 2003 and 2020 due to 2002–2004 SARS outbreak and COVID-19 pandemic respectively.

The winner of the Asian Women's Club Volleyball Championship qualifies for the FIVB Volleyball Women's Club World Championship.

Tianjin Bohai Bank holds the record for most victories, winning the competition five times. Teams from China have won the tournament eight times, the most for any nation. The current Asian club champions is Sport Center 1 from Vietnam, who defeated Diamond Food–Fine Chef (3–2) in the final of the 2023 event.

亞洲俱樂部錦標賽 女子是一場精彩絕倫的排球比賽,集結了亞洲地區最頂尖的女子排球隊伍。這場錦標賽是亞洲排球界最重要的賽事之一,吸引了來自各國的優秀球隊參與競爭。



亞洲俱樂部錦標賽 女子不僅是一場排球比賽,更是一個展示亞洲女子排球實力的平台。這場比賽將為觀眾帶來無盡的驚喜和激情,讓大家共同見證亞洲女子排球的蓬勃發展和優秀水平。無論是對排球的熱愛還是對競技體育的追求,這場比賽都將是一個不容錯過的精彩體驗。