歐洲錦標賽 女子


The European Water Polo Championship is a sport competition for national water polo teams, currently held biannually and organized by the Ligue Européenne de Natation (LEN), the governing European aquatics federation. There are both men's and women's competitions.

The first European Water Polo Championship was held in 1926 in Budapest, Hungary, with just a men's competition. The women for the first time competed in 1985 (Oslo, Norway) for the European title. The water polo tournament was part of the European Aquatics Championships up to and including 1997, and from 1999 the event was separated and got its own independent tournament.

歐洲錦標賽 女子是一項水球錦標賽,專為女性運動員而設。這項比賽是歐洲地區最高水平的女子水球賽事之一,吸引了來自各個國家的頂尖球隊參與。



這場歐洲錦標賽 女子不僅是一場競技比賽,也是一個聚集水球愛好者的盛會。觀眾可以在比賽期間感受到激烈的比賽氛圍,並與其他球迷一起為自己支持的隊伍加油打氣。

無論您是一位水球愛好者還是對體育賽事感興趣的人,歐洲錦標賽 女子都將帶給您一個難忘的體驗。這是一個展示女子水球運動魅力和實力的絕佳機會,也是一個讓人們聚集在一起共同享受運動樂趣的場合。