Wikipedia - AfroCan

The AfroCan (alternatively known as the FIBA AfroCan) is a men's basketball continental competition in Africa, which is played quadannually under the auspices of FIBA (International Basketball Federation), basketball's international governing body, and the FIBA African zone thereof. Unlike the AfroBasket, AfroCan is only opened to all players who play for basketball clubs based in Africa.


In 2017, a new calendar by FIBA changed the AfroBasket from a biennial to quadrennial tournament. As a consequence, the AfroCan was created to vill up the void.

The first ever AfroCan was held in 2019 in Mali, with DR Congo winning the inaugural title after beating Kenya in the final.

The second AfroCan was held in 2023 in Angola, with Morocco winning their first title after beating Ivory Coast in the final.

FIBA AfroCan是一项备受期待的篮球锦标赛,旨在展示非洲大陆顶级篮球运动员的实力和才华。这项锦标赛由国际篮球联合会(FIBA)主办,是非洲大陆最重要的篮球赛事之一。

FIBA AfroCan汇集了来自非洲各个国家和地区的顶级篮球队伍,他们将在这个激烈的比赛中展开角逐。这项锦标赛不仅是一场竞技盛宴,更是非洲篮球运动的重要推动力。参赛队伍将通过激烈的比赛,展示他们的技巧、速度和团队合作能力,争夺最终的荣耀。

FIBA AfroCan的比赛场地将设在非洲各地的顶级篮球场馆,为球迷们提供了观赛的绝佳机会。观众们将有机会亲眼目睹非洲最顶尖的篮球运动员在场上展现出的精彩表演和激烈对抗。

FIBA AfroCan不仅仅是一项篮球比赛,还是一个庆祝非洲篮球文化和团结精神的盛会。这个锦标赛将吸引来自世界各地的篮球爱好者,共同见证非洲篮球的崛起和发展。

无论您是篮球迷还是对非洲文化感兴趣的人士,FIBA AfroCan都是您不容错过的盛事。让我们一起欢呼、激励和支持非洲最杰出的篮球运动员,共同见证这场篮球盛宴的精彩时刻!